The most Popular SATOYAMA EXPERIENCE package plus authentic Onsen ryokan experience!


  • Okuhida Onsen:Enjoy a relaxing ryokan experience at one of the best hidden onsen resorts in Japan.
  • Cookery Class: Learn how to make typical Hida dishes using fresh local ingredients, drawing on the food culture handed downthroughgenerations.
  • Satoyama Cycling: Casual bike ride through the Japanese countryside, Satoyama, and meet the locals.
  • Shirakawa-go : You will be inspired by traditional wooden architectures “Gassho-zukuri” which only exist in this snowy area.


Day 1Authentic Onsen Ryokan Experience

Travel to Okuhida Onsen by bus. (4.5hrs from Tokyo).

Okuhida Onsen-go area is situated at the base of the Japan Alps, the onsen here have some of the most dramatic settings in Japan.
Stay in the authentic Japanese Ryokan and enjoy dinner set by irori fireplace.

(overnight in Okuhida Onsen)

Day 2Takayama

After a leisurely morning bath, travel to Takayama by bus (1 hr), a town which has retained its Edo-period atmosphere with immaculately preserved old districts, temples, antique shops and sake breweries. Enjoy museums, shopping and restaurants.
Short train ride to HidaFurukawa in the evening.

(overnight at SATOYAMA STAY in Hida Furukawa)

Day 3cycling / cookery class

In the morning, join our scenic cycling tour, delving into local agriculture, architecture and culture.
after the tour, discover the cozy small town by yourself, then join our cookery class in the evening.

(overnight at SATOYAMA STAY in Hida Furukawa)

Day 4Shirakawa-go

In the morning, take a bus to Shirakawa-go, the only place in Japan where the traditional masterpieces known asgassho-zukurihouses, with stunning thatched roofs,can be seen in their natural setting. Several of the housesin the village are open to the public.
Shirakawa-gois especially convenient if Kanazawa is the next destination, only 90 minutes away.